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2025-2026 Tuition & Fees

Full-time or part-time students may enroll and begin coursework with TKOA at any time during the year. Hybrid students must take classes in alignment with the traditional TKA school calendar as classes include both online and in-person coursework on campus.

Full-Time Online

Application Fee $140 one-time fee
Enrollment Fee $170
Tuition $8,750 per year
Activity Fee $1,650 per year for Athletics and Conservatory
DE Course Fee $65 per semester course
Part-Time Online
Application Fee $140 one-time fee
Enrollment Fee $175 waived fee when registering online
Regular Course $550 per semester
DE Course Fee $65 per semester Course
Hybrid Program
Application Fee $140 one-time fee
Enrollment Fee $980
Tuition $31,300
Summer Remediation & Enrichment
Summer Remediation $865 per semester, $1,625 per full credit
Enrichment Regular Course $550 per semester, $975 per full credit
*Students taking an AP Exam will incur a $105 exam fee.