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Summer 2024 Course Offerings!

The accelerated summer session through The King’s Online Academy will run from June 5th through July 28th, 2024.  Students may register for Enrichment courses to advance their academic standing or Remediation courses to improve academic performance on previously attempted courses.

These summer courses will be offered fully online over an accelerated 8 week summer term, beginning June 5th, 2024.  The courses are flexible courses, providing students the opportunity to take classes from anywhere during times that work best for their schedules without a requirement to connect at a set time.  Students are permitted to take up to two courses per summer term.  Course registration is now open online and must be completed by May 15, 2024.  

Remediation: Remediation is for full-time TKA and TKOA students who wish to take a course already completed in order to replace a low semester grade earned in a class that was taken within the last two school years.  If your student earned any grade below a "B" in a high school semester course, your student is able to take the course through TKOA. Both courses and both semester grades will appear on the student's cumulative transcript, but only the new grade will be averaged into the cumulative GPA.  Should you have a question about needing a course that is not listed on the form, or about which course may be best to take, please speak with your Academic Advisor.  To register for available remediation courses, please click here

Enrichment: Enrichment provides both TKA and full-time and part-time TKOA students with the opportunity to take additional coursework not previously taken to enrich their academic standing and to create more room for desired courses in the regular school year.  To register for available enrichment courses, please click here.

Any questions regarding coursework should be directed to the student’s Academic Advisor prior to online registration.  


NON-Traditional policies

  • Grade 08
  • Grade 09
Algebra I

Algebra I emphasizes the importance of Algebra in everyday life through hundreds of real-world examples. Assessments are designed to ensure that your understanding goes beyond rote memorization of steps and procedures. Upon successful course completion, you will have a strong foundation in Algebra I and will be prepared for other higher-level math courses.

Full Credit
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Algebra II

Algebra II is designed to build upon concepts taught in Geometry and Algebra I. You will learn about polynomials, quadratic equations, linear and exponential functions, sequences and series, probability and statistics, and trigonometry. Throughout the course, these mathematical concepts are applied to everyday occurrences to demonstrate how the world around us functions.

Full Credit
Pre-Requisite: Algebra I
  • Grade 12
American Government

American Government seeks to build knowledge of the history of our government and Constitution. Students learn the structure of our government and the decision-making processes political officials make. This course also seeks to challenge students to connect the current events in our society to the decisions made at every level of government.

Semester Credit


  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology students investigate the structure and function of the human body. Topics covered include the basic anatomical terminology, organization of the body, biochemical composition, and major body systems along with the impact of diseases on certain systems.

Full Credit
  • Grade 09
Ancient History

Ancient History provides students a platform to explore major themes and trends within Ancient History. This course provides students with opportunities to develop and apply their understanding of methods and issues involved in the investigation of the ancient past. Students will have the opportunity to engage in the study of a range of geographic and environmental features, people, places, events and developments of the ancient world. Beginning with an introduction to Pre-history, students will explore Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Persia, Greece and Rome. The course combines historical inquiry, lecture, and project-based learning to prepare students to think like historians as they explore the origins of culture, government, economics, and religion. The students will be introduced to new strategies for research, writing and presentation on historical topics. Student research will culminate in a research project.

Semester Credit


  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12

Apologetics provides a basic introduction to the rational defense of Christianity. Special attention is given to the philosophical, historical, and scientific evidence for Christianity. It explores some of the assorted challenges to Christian beliefs and provides strategies for managing conversations with unbelievers.

Semester Credit



  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10

The study of Biology builds on the foundations of life science, scientific practices, and scientific thinking skills. In this course, students explore the relationship between living things and their environment while developing an understanding of biological concepts through scientific inquiry, investigations, interactive experiences, higher-order thinking, real-world applications, and virtual and hands-on experiences. The key big ideas covered in Biology include cells, heredity, evolution, classification, organisms, populations, and ecosystems. Students can enhance their mastery of biological concepts, which will enable them to make real-world connections and apply their understanding.

Full Credit
  • Grade 08
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Business Computer Applications

This semester course is intended to be a business level computer class. The students focus on learning the programs Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. The students build a portfolio of business documents based on the organizations they create during the semester.

Semester Credit


  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12

Chemistry includes a study of atomic structure, and the periodic table, bonding stoichiometry, states of matter and kinetic theory, solutions, acids, bases, and equilibrium, and simple chemical and nuclear reactions. The course includes laboratory experiments designed to reinforce course content.

Full Credit
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Christ and Culture Honors

This course is a model for what it means to think with biblical discernment and cultural savvy about the intersection of the gospel and secular culture. Special attention is given to addressing ethical barriers to faith erected by those both inside and outside the church. It outlines ways of leading with compassion and effectiveness at the points of confrontation.

Semester Credit


  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Computer Programming

Computer Programming provides students with a programming course option at a traditional level.  It is a broad approach to programming, learning several languages, and learning the basics of computer hardware, software, etc. This course uses the online curriculum of CodeHS. The topics included in this course are the following: Functions, Top Down Design, Commenting your Code, “If” Statements and “If/Else” Statements, Control Structures, Variables, Basic Math, Graphics, Booleans, Logical Operators, Loops, Parameters and Variables. Students are introduced to basic app design and will create an app using

Semester Credit


  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Digital Photography

Digital Photography is designed to equip students with the education and full understanding of every element it takes to capture and document moments through a camera lens. Students will gain a full understanding of equipment, lighting, and branding aspects to help them in every step of their photography career and/or college education. In this course, students will work with multiple cameras and lenses. Throughout the duration of this course, students will learn things such as, but not limited to the functionality of a camera, lighting, editing, and posing. Students will be encouraged to express themselves through their work and evoke emotion in their photos.

Semester Credit


  • Grade 09
English I

English I is the required course for the ninth grade student intended to help the student develop language arts skills by reading, writing, listening, viewing, and speaking. This course provides text-based research and writing opportunities. Students build vocabulary and complete an in-depth grammar and usage study to reinforce previously learned skills and build on those foundations. Special emphasis is placed on using the English language to successfully express oneself through writing more effectively.

Full Credit
  • Grade 10
English II

English II is the required course for tenth grade students intended to help students encounter new vocabulary, refine the grammar and mechanics of writing, and engage in thought-provoking projects. Throughout the course, students will discover how the human experience is the foundation of the best stories, plays, poems, films, and articles.

Full Credit
Pre-Requisite: English I 
  • Grade 11
English III

English III is the required course for eleventh grade students intended to help students acquire the language, reading, writing, and speaking/listening skills necessary for success in college, career, and beyond. Through this course, students will become critical readers and thinkers while also learning how to effectively research and integrate findings, as well as cite sources.

Full Credit
Pre-Requisite: English II
  • Grade 08
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
French I

In French I, students will learn how to introduce themselves and others, share interests, and talk about the weather, all in the language of Molière. Students will explore the rich culture of France including historical sites, foods, and sports through interactive activities, written practice, and speaking and listening exercises.

Full Credit
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
French II

In French II, students will expand listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French through interactive videos, dialogues, and self-checks. Throughout the course, students will be challenged to strengthen vocabulary and learn to discuss activities in the past, future, and conditional tenses.

Full Credit
Pre-Requisite: French I
  • Grade 08
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11

Geometry exists everywhere in the world around you. We use it to build bridges, to design maps, or to create perspective in paintings. Throughout this course, students will use problem solving and real-world applications to gain the knowledge of geometric concepts and their practical uses. 

Full Credit
Pre-Requisite: Algebra I
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Graphic Design

Graphic Design is an introduction to the elements of art, design, typography, and imagery as they apply to a variety of practical visual solutions, including logo design, web design, and advertisement. God gifted His children with the ability to worship, share, and respond to Him and His world in artistic ways. In this course, you will establish an understanding of art and creativity, and learn the basic foundations of design. Students will study the elements of art, principles of design, and color theory and work both with digital media while learning Adobe Photoshop to create design projects in a creative way.

Semester Credit


  • Grade 08
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12

Health is a required semester class and is typically taken in 8th-10th grade. The course is designed to provide health related knowledge that is valuable to each student’s “total health”: physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  Specific areas addressed include aerobic/anaerobic activity, health-related and skill-related fitness components, heat illnesses, and benefits and/or possible health problems related to diet and activity level. The course material emphasizes each students’ “total health” and how their “total health” relates to God (Deuteronomy 6:4), others (Leviticus 19:18), and themselves (Psalms 139:14).

Semester Credit
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Marine Science

Marine Science allows students to delve deeply into the Earth’s bodies of water and study geologic structures and how they impact the oceans. Students will investigate characteristics of various populations of aquatic life, patterns of distribution, and ongoing changes occurring in our ecosystem.

Full Credit
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Personal Fitness

This physical education course helps students discover healthy habits of the body and mind that will lead to a healthier lifestyle. Students will measure current fitness level, track fitness progress, and create a plan for achieving individual fitness goals. During the fitness journey, students will learn the value of lifetime fitness while focusing on principles of biblical character traits important for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Semester Credit
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Pre-Calculus Honors

Dive deeper into the knowledge of functions by analyzing key features to solve real-world problems. Students will learn about trigonometric functions and their applications, along with new ways to use the coordinate plane to represent different types of functions. Students will apply these skills to discover the power mathematics has in everyday life and to prepare for advanced mathematical studies in college.

Full Credit
Pre-Requisite: Algebra II Honors
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Social Media Marketing

This elective course enables students to develop fundamental skills in the use of social media across print, multimedia, web, and broadcast platforms, including ethical and legal uses. Through this course students will discover how individual contributions and influence can be enhanced with the appropriate use of social media.

Semester Credit


  • Grade 08
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
Spanish I

Spanish I will provide students with the opportunity to learn basic Spanish grammar to help build speaking fluency and understanding.  During the course, students will apply what has been learned through interactive games, written practice, listening, and speaking exercises.

Full Credit
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Spanish II

Spanish II will provide students with the opportunity strengthen Spanish listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while experiencing the beauty and expressiveness of a language that is shared by different people and cultures throughout the world using authentic materials.

Full Credit
Pre-Requisite: Spanish I
  • Grade 11
US History

United States History is a required year-long course, typically studied in eleventh grade, designed to instill in students an understanding of and an appreciation for the continuities and changes in the history, values, and principles of the United States.  Students will investigate the people, events, and ideas that have shaped the United States from the end of the Civil War through today through to real-world problems.

Full Credit
  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Web Design

Web Design is an introduction to the design, creation, and maintenance of web pages and websites. Students learn how to critically assess website quality, create (and maintain) quality web pages, evaluate web design standards and create/manipulate website graphics. Students will learn the languages HTML and CSS and will create their own live homepages to serve as a personal portfolio. By the end of this course, students will be able to explain how web pages are developed and viewed on the Internet, analyze and fix errors in existing websites, and create their very own multipage websites.

Semester Credit


  • Grade 09
  • Grade 10
World History

World History facilitates an understanding of the development of civilizations by examining the past, thus preparing for future participation in a global community. Students use knowledge pertaining to history, geography, economics, political processes, religion, ethics, diverse cultures, and humanities to solve problems in academic, civil, social, and employment settings.

Full Credit
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
Worldview and Religions

Worldview and Religions is designed to introduce students to six major worldviews that are commonly held throughout the world. The principles and resulting practices of Christianity, Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxist/Leninism, New Age Spiritualism (Pantheism), and Postmodernism are presented and discussed through the lens of God’s Word. The course material actively seeks to cover the ethical, theological, psychological, social, political, economic, and biological implications of these worldviews. The purpose of the class is to challenge students to understand the influence of ideas in the world and to gain a spiritual foundation based on God’s truth.

Semester Credit